In this category you will find information on economics, both in terms of macroeconomics and microeconomics. Economics is an important basis for the understanding of financial markets and financial instruments.
A cartel is an association of companies that are working together towards consumers. In a cartel, the companies can agree on the price level, the output lever, or divide the market between them. ...
A centrally planned economy is an economy in which all the important choices in an economy is centrally decided by the government or an administration within the government.
In a planned economy, th ...
Ceteris Paribus is an important concept in economics. Ceteris Paribus is Latin and means all other things being equal. When analyzing complex things, it is difficult to change many factors simultaneou ...
David Ricardo worked with Adam Smith's theory of absolute advantage and created the theory of comparative advantage. ...
Within the European Monetary Union there are a number of convergence criterias. These convergence criterias must be met by any country who wishes to attend and participate in the European Monetary Uni ...
Cost-push inflation is an increase in the average prices caused by a rise in production factor prices. ...
Credit expansion means that an increase in the monetary base, commercial banks borrow money from the central bank, leads to an even higher increase in the
money supply than just the increase in the ...
An exchange rate is the price of one currency in relation to another currency. Exchange rates are determined on a foreign exchange market. There are many different currency markets, one for each combi ...
Currency devaluation is an option for countries with fixed exchange rate. If it seems impossible to defend the fixed exchange rate, a country can implement a devaluation of their own currency. ...
Currency revaluation is an option for countries with a fixed currency exchange rate. If it seems impossible for a country to defend the fixed exchange rate, the country makes a devaluation and the oth ...