In this category you will find information on economics, both in terms of macroeconomics and microeconomics. Economics is an important basis for the understanding of financial markets and financial instruments.
The currency snake was an exchange rate system that existed from 1973 to 1977. The currency snake was an currency exchange rate system of fixed exchange rates. ...
There are two different kinds of government debt, cyclical debt and structural debt. ...
Deflation is defined as a decrease in the average prices during a period in time. Deflation has historically
proved to be detrimental to a country's economy because of that growth is negatively affe ...
Demand is the quantity of products that buyers want to buy from the sellers. Demand is influenced by product price, price of other goods, income, taste, fashion and expectations. ...
Demand surplus exists in a market where the price is lower than the equilibrium price. A market with a regulated price can give a demand surplus on that market. ...
Demand-pull inflation means that there is a demand in the economy that is higher than what can be produced in the economy at full employment. ...
Depreciation is a term used when one currency weakens compared to another currency when it is floating exchange rates between the countries. ...
Duopoly is a market structure with only two companies that can sell both homogeneous and differentiated products to many buyers. ...
Duties are taxes that are charged on imported goods. Duties is used to create revenue for the state, to protect domestic producers and to improve the current trade balance account. ...
An economic circulation diagram is a way of describing a country's economy. An economic circulation diagram includes households, businesses, banks, the public sector and abroad countries. ...