In this category you will find information on economics, both in terms of macroeconomics and microeconomics. Economics is an important basis for the understanding of financial markets and financial instruments.
In politics, there are a number of economic policy objectives that the politics seeks to achieve. Economic policy goals usually includes full employment, stable prices, external balance, economic grow ...
EMU started in 1999 and the abbreviation stands for the European Monetary Union. EMU is a monetary zone with a common currency, the euro. ...
The equilibrium price is the price in a market where demand is equal to supply. The equilibrium price can also be said to be the quantity where the marginal benefit for buyers is equal to the marginal ...
External effects are counted as one of all market failures. External effects are costs and damages to persons not participating in the market for a good, third persons. ...
Fiscal policy is conducted by a country's government. Fiscal policy aims at reducing unemployment and inflation. Fiscal policy can control demand in the
country by changing government expenditure an ...
A fixed currency exchange rate means that a country has tied the exchange rate to the exchange rate of another or several other countries currencies. ...
Flexible exchange rates means that currency exchange rates are determined on a foreign exchange market. Flexible exchange rates means daily changes in a country's exchange rate compared to other count ...
En valutareserv är ett innehav av pengar i utländsk valuta. En valutareserv kan användas för att bedriva valutapolitik. En valutareserv används för att försvara en fast växelkurs. Om Sverige har fast ...
Foreign debt in is a country's debt to other countries. Foreign debt can be loans from abroad to domestic companies, individuals and the public sector. ...
Banks have an important function in society. Banks function is to provide and mediate credit. Commercial banks collect savings and spread its risk by having multiple people to lend to. ...